A National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) grant awarded to UW Madison is one of 25 awards made to institutions as part of a flagship consortium to understand human genomic variation
Genomics & Technology Fall 2021
2021 Fall issue of Genomic & Technolgy newsletter.
Ovarian cancer genomics specialist returns to UW
Having trained at UW-Madison, Dr. Jessica Lang simply couldn’t stay away. She returns as an Assistant Professor with deep expertise in chromatin dysfunction in ovarian and other cancers.
Team research presents a new approach for Summer Undergraduate Research Programs
Six summer undergrads in the Biomedical Data Science Summer Research Opportunity Program overcame pandemic restrictions through a unique team-science research experience.
Leading-edge consent process will benefit UW genomics researchers and patients
UW Carbone Cancer Center is piloting a new front-door patient consent process that will make genomic and clinical data more readily available to UW researchers for broad translational advances.