As we enjoy summer and emerge from the long pandemic, the Center for Genomic Science Innovation (CGSI ) is excited to launch the first issue of the Genomics & Technology (G&T) newsletter. Our goal is to strengthen and highlight UW-Madison research, training, and outreach in the genome-enabled sciences.
UW-Madison hosts outstanding research and education in broad biological disciplines spanning medicine, agriculture, environmental science, basic scientific discovery, and more. Transformative science benefits from sharing ideas, diverse perspectives, creative approaches, and novel technologies. But an institution of our size and breadth faces challenges of decentralization.
CGSI’s objective with the G&T newsletter is to bridge outstanding researchers on campus working in genomics and genome-enabled technologies. Designated an official OVCRGE center in 2019, CGSI includes core and affiliate faculty members working at the leading edge of experimental and computational genomics. We take a broad and inclusive definition of genomics, from ‘omic technologies to nanoscale measurements and other analyses that leverage genome sequences to expand our understanding of how complex biological systems function and vary.
The G&T newsletter will serve several goals. The first is to strengthen the UW-Madison genomics community by broadcasting news and events, highlighting new faculty working in genomics on campus, and showcasing genome-enabled technologies and research. These connections will help facilitate idea sharing, new collaborations, and more nimble responses to research opportunities.
CGSI is welcoming applications for Affiliate Faculty Members whose research focuses heavily on genome-enabled approaches. Beyond CGSI members and affiliates, the G&T newsletter will also highlight exciting advances happening more broadly on campus.
A second goal is to enhance our educational mission. CGSI is the administrative home to two training grants, the NHGRI-funded Genomic Sciences Training Program (GSTP) founded and directed by David C. Schwartz, professor in the Departments of Genetics and Chemistry, and the Computation and Informatics in Biology and Medicine (CIBM) program funded by NLM and led by Professor Mark Craven from the Departments of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics and Computer Sciences.
Each issue will highlight trainee research and accomplishments to showcase the fantastic students and postdoctoral fellows at UW-Madison. Although the G&T newsletter is aimed at researchers working in the field, where possible we provide entry points for those new to the area.
Finally, to address disparities in genomics, the newsletter will highlight diversity and inclusivity topics. The field of genomics has a particular diversity problem, including the historical exclusion of under-represented populations from genomic study, knowledge, and health benefits. We commit to covering events, stories, and researchers to help address these disparities.
The G&T newsletter is targeted for publication each semester. CGSI will broadcast more frequently with information, publications, funding opportunities, and highlights via our Twitter handle @UWMadison_CGSI.
We invite researchers to help us in these endeavors by submitting news, information, and story ideas to The G&T newsletter not only welcomes these submissions, but our mission to strengthen the community depends on it. We look forward to increasing the focus on exciting genomics research at UW-Madison.