Joshua Coon
Credentials: Biomolecular Chemistry, Morgridge Institute
Position title: Professor
Website: Coon Lab
Phone: 608.263.1718
4426 Genetics-Biotechnology Center
PhD (2002), University of Florida Gainesville
Postdoctoral Fellow (2003-2005), University of Virginia, Charlottesville
Representative Awards
- 2006 Named one of “Tomorrow’s PIs” by Genome Technology magazine
- 2007 American Society of Mass Spectrometry Research Award
- 2007 Eli Lilly and Company Young Investigator
- 2008 National Science Foundation CAREER Award
- 2014 H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2018 Thomas and Margaret Pyle Chair, Morgridge Institute for Research
To improve human health, researchers must understand disease mechanisms at a molecular level. Our technologies provide unprecedented views of how molecules interact, when they are mis-regulated, and where they are mutated during disease progression. Fundamental to gaining functional insight into biological systems is the ability to rapidly identify, quantify, and compare molecules between samples.
The Coon Lab specializes in innovating and applying the latest in high resolution, high performance mass spectrometer technology. With a long running collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific, the world’s leading MS manufacturer, we have complete access to modify and develop on these fully functional MS platforms. We have worked to transfer our new technologies to industrial partners for commercialization, filing dozens of patents since 2006.
Representative Publications (Google Scholar | PUBMED)
- Riley, N. M., Hebert, A. S., Westphall, M. S. & Coon, J. J. Capturing site-specific heterogeneity with large-scale N-glycoproteome analysis. Nature communications 10, 1311, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09222-w (2019).
- Niemi, N. M. et al. Pptc7 is an essential phosphatase for promoting mammalian mitochondrial metabolism and biogenesis. Nature communications 10, 3197, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11047-6 (2019).
- McKetney, J. et al. Proteomic Atlas of the Human Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of proteome research 18, 1380-1391, doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00004 (2019).
- Hebert, A. S. et al. Comprehensive Single-Shot Proteomics with FAIMS on a Hybrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Analytical chemistry 90, 9529-9537, doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02233 (2018).